
Saturday, March 5, 2011

some iterview questions from Amazon



1. write a function to count zero bits in an integer, read code on the phone

2. use OOD to design an HTML parser, list all the classes and methods

3. what’s the difference between old style Python classes and the new style

4. Unix, how to find the file with the longest path name?

5. Unix, a million webpages, each page may have some phone numbers with two
formats (XXX)XXX-XXXX, XXX-XXX-XXXX, how to find them out and update them

6. A million of ids and more coming, how to tell if an id is duplicated.
what data structure, what’s the complexity

7. what if amazon website is slow?
(follow up). what if app server is idling but database server has high load?
(follow up). how to design cache on the app server?


1. (老题) find out pairs in an array that sum to a given sum.
write code on paper and read to the interviewer (character by character).

2. (OOD) Design classes for actors and movies, implement at least these two
what to do if initializing actors needs the movies objects while
initializing movies needs the actor objects.
how to search for actors that starred in movies that were on show at a given
discuss different approaches.

3. How to improve the current IMDb website, how to design the mobile version

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